Nonsensuri si inutilitati, de la lume adunate şi iarăşi la lume date (Anton Pann)
Problem description
Your CD drive or DVD drive is missing or not recognized by Windows or other programs, so you cannot play or access a CD or DVD. This issue might have occurred after you installed, uninstalled, or updated a program or Windows Vista.
Click Start, and then click All Programs.
Click Accessories, and then click Run.
Type regedit, and then click OK. If you are prompted for an administrator password or for a confirmation, type the password, or click Allow.
In the navigation pane, locate and then click the following registry subkey:
In the right pane, click UpperFilters.
Note You may also see an UpperFilters.bak registry entry. You do not have to remove that entry. Click UpperFilters only. If you do not see the UpperFilters registry entry, you still might have to remove the LowerFilters registry entry. To do this, go to step 8.
On the Edit menu, click Delete.
When you are prompted to confirm the deletion, click Yes.
In the right pane, click LowerFilters.
Note If you do not see the LowerFilters registry entry, unfortunately this content cannot help you any further. Go to the “Next Steps” section for information about how you can find more solutions or more help on the Microsoft Web site.
On the Edit menu, click Delete.
When you are prompted to confirm the deletion, click Yes.
Exit Registry Editor.
Restart the computer.
Windows 8 is the first version of Windows that focus on touchscreen gestures and experiences and still keeps the traditional desktop for non-touch users. This “hybrid” environment causes big problems for users with mouse and keyboard. Thankfully, Windows 8 provides you a lot of keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys) to master its new touch interface. In this article, I will list some of the most important hotkeys of Windows 8.
The Start screen is the new start menu of Windows 8. If you are using Windows 8, you will likelt want to know how to open the Start screen if you ever go away from it. Opening the Start screen from anywhere is as easy as pressing the Windows key on your keyboard — the same way you open Start menu in other versions of Windows.
Consider a scenario where an upgrade from SQL 2005 to SQL 2008 fails with the following messages while installing Setup Support Files.
TITLE: SQL Server Setup failure.
SQL Server Setup has encountered the following error:
MsiGetProductInfo failed to retrieve ProductVersion for package with Product Code =
‘{0826F9E4-787E-481D-83E0-BC6A57B056D5}’. Error code: 1605..
From Detail_ComponentUpdate.txt –
2009-03-16 22:00:59 Slp: Inner exceptions are being indented
2009-03-16 22:00:59 Slp:
2009-03-16 22:00:59 Slp: Exception type: System.InvalidOperationException
2009-03-16 22:00:59 Slp: Message:
2009-03-16 22:00:59 Slp: MsiGetProductInfo failed to retrieve ProductVersion for package with Product Code = ‘{0826F9E4-787E-481D-83E0-BC6A57B056D5}’. Error code: 1608.
2009-03-16 22:00:59 Slp: Stack:
2009-03-16 22:00:59 Slp: at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.MsiExtension.SetFeatureInstallStateAction.FillInstallPropertyByProductCode(PackageInstallProperty pkg, String prodCode)
2009-03-16 22:00:59 Slp: at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.MsiExtension.SetFeatureInstallStateAction.FillInstallProperty(PackageInstallProperty pkg)
2009-03-16 22:00:59 Slp: at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.MsiExtension.SetFeatureInstallStateAction.ExecuteAction(String actionId)
2009-03-16 22:00:59 Slp: at Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.Action.Execute(String actionId, TextWriter errorStream)
2009-03-16 22:00:59 Slp: at Microsoft.SqlServer.Setup.Chainer.Workflow.ActionInvocation.InvokeAction(WorkflowObject metabase, TextWriter statusStream)
2009-03-16 22:00:59 Slp: at Microsoft.SqlServer.Setup.Chainer.Workflow.PendingActions.InvokeActions(WorkflowObject metaDb, TextWriter loggingStream)
SOLUTION (Worked at my end)
Get the Product Code = ‘{0826F9E4-787E-481D-83E0-BC6A57B056D5}’ from the error message that you are getting.
Byte reverse the first part from 0826F9E4 to 4E9F6280.
Search in the registry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\UpgradeCodes and try to find a match.
Take a backup of the registry and delete the parent key.
Re-run the Upgrade and if it fails again for a different GUID, then repeat the steps stated above.
In my case, I had to repeat these steps thrice as there were 3 other locations where I needed to change the product code. Then the setup was successful.
1. Follow your laptop owner’s manual and assembly guide carefully as you disassemble the laptop. Touch something metal periodically to remove static charge, and work on a large table with a bright light source.
2. Turn off the laptop and unplug it. Remove the main battery, DVD drive , Ac adapter and the hard drive. The hard drive is usually located in a slot on one side of the laptop. Remove the screw that holds the cover in place, then pull out the hard drive, Fujitsu laptop screen sled.
3 Turn the laptop over and remove the screws on the bottom that hold the keyboard in place. Flip the laptop over, open it, then lift the keyboard up and out. Unplug the flexible ribbon cable that connects the keyboard to the motherboard.
4 Remove the screws that hold the laptop keyboard bezel and palm rest in place. Carefully pry loose any plastic snaps on the sides, then lift the bezel and palm rest up and out.
5 Unplug the Fujitsu LifeBook S7110 CPU Cooling Fan. Remove the screws that hold the heat sink and fan in place, then remove the entire unit from the laptop. Remove any thermal compound residue from the bottom of the heat sink and the CPU.
6 Apply a thin layer of thermal compound on the CPU, then replace the heat sink and cpu cooling fan. Replace the screws, plug the fan back in, then reassemble the laptop.
7 Plug the laptop in and turn it on. After you use it for a few minutes, you should hear the new Fujitsu cpu cooling fan running and feel warm air blowing from the vent on the side of the laptop. A fan does not run continuously, so don’t be concerned if the Fujitsu LifeBook S7110 cpu fan shuts off periodically.
Eşti adeptul căsătoriei, îşi doreşti o familie frumoasă, copii şi un partener pe care să-l iubeşti până la sfârşitul zilelor? Nu pare aşa mare realizare, mai ales că, de-a lungul timpului, oamenii cam asta au facut cu viaţa lor, într-un final…
Însă, căsătoria implică ceva mai mult decât iubire, pasiune – căsătoria înseamnă convieţuire, arta de a forma o familie pentru care ai nevoie de persoana potrivită, compatibilă cu tine şi cu gândurile tale.
Care este persoana compatibilă nu poţi decât să afli singur, în timp şi cu ajutorul astrelor, bineînţeles.
Aşadar, cu cine ar fi de preferat să te căsătoreşti în funcţie de zodie:
It is not POP, it is IMAP. When setting up Yahoo Mail, DONT select that icon, instead, select “Other” and manually enter the information in. This will give you the options to choose the Incoming and Outgoing Server Settings.
For Incoming Mail Settings, the IMAP Server is ““, the Security Type is “SSL“, and the Server Port is “993“.
For Outgoing Mail Settings, SMTP Server is ““, the Security Type is “SSL“, and the Port is “465“. Also, make sure you check the “Require sign-in” box.
During this set up, you will be asked if you want to keep the original emails on the server or delete them.
Once this is complete, you should be able to see your folders. Mine showed up right away. However, only emails that were placed in the folders within the last month were downloaded. I assume this is due to the “Sync Settings”.
If you choose POP server For Incoming Mail Settings, the POP Server is ““, the Security Type is “SSL“, and the Server Port is “995“.
btw is working on thunderbird too
Sotul isi prinde sotia in pat cu altul si, in loc de altceva, incepe
sa-si faca cruci.
– Bai,omule, sa mor eu daca te inteleg! Eu sunt barbatul ei si tre
sa-mi fac datoria, dar tu ce obligatii ai?!
Care este diferenta dintre prostituata, amanta si nevasta
Prostituata gandeste: De s-ar termina odata!
Amanta: Asa repede?
Nevasta: Bej! Bej o sa vopesesc tavanul!
Un sef de echipa primeste sarcina sa trimita cativa oameni sa planteze niste copaci.
Ii cheama la el pe Marian, Costica si Doru, si le explica ce au de facut pentru a fi eficienti: Marian, tu incepi si sapi gropi, la distanta de 5m; Costica, tu pui cate un pom in groapa si Doru, tu umpli gropile cu pamant.
OK, zic ei si se apuca de treaba. A doua zi vine seful de echipa sa vada cum merge plantarea, si-l vede pe Marian care sapa gropile si pe Doru care la astupa in urma lui, dar nici urma de copaci.
Seful: Ce faceti baaaaa?
Marian: Eu sap gropile cum mi-ai zis, sefu’!
Doru: Si eu le astup dupa cum am primit sarcina.
Seful: Da’ copacii cine-i pune ma?
Marian: Pai Costica trebuie sa-i puna, dar n-a venit azi la lucru.