Miorita Matematica

Pe-un picior de PLAN


Iata vin in cale



Toate trei DISJUNCTE

De FUNCTII pazite

Toate diferite.

Ele sunt tot trei :






Mari se vorbira

Si se sfatuira

Sa ramana treze

Pana-o sa-nsereze





Cate si mai cate,



Dar intr-o MULTIME

Asta s-a aflat

Si s-au indignat

C-ale lor cuvinte

Intrec orice LIMITE.

Dar de la f(0)-ncoace

Unui PUNCT nu-i place

Sa mai stea-n MULTIME

Si de treaba a se tine.

Imi place munca

Imi place munca, bani de-ar fi

S-aduc in firma zi de zi.

Il plac pe seful, cel mai tare!

Si sefii lui, pe fiecare…


Iubesc biroul, ce-i pe el,

(Concediul nu-l iubesc de fel!)

Mobila gri, plina de praf,

Hartiile crescute vraf.


De munca mea sunt fericit,

Mai mult de-atata n-am iubit.

Iubesc computerul, fereastra

Cu scafirlia lui albastra.


Iubesc sedintele mai lungi

Cand am in creier cifre, dungi,

Iubesc, va spun acum din nou,

Sa stau o viata la birou!


Imi place munca, as munci

Mai mult in fiecare zi.

Nu vreau salariu, nu vreau stima,

Mi-ajunge critica drept prima.


Nu vreau nimic, decat un pat,

Fix in biroul meu bagat,

(Langa PC-ul meu cel drag).

Sa pot munci aici non-stop

Pana se urca firma-n top!


Mai am un of, mai am un dor,

Vreau la biroul meu sa mor,

Si sa ma-ngroape-ntre dosare

Ca pe Eminovici in mare…



No connection on home computer. Error 720


This issue may occur if the TCP/IP protocol has become unbound from the dial-up adapter, or if a conflict is created when a second WAN Miniport IP device driver loads.

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To resolve this issue, uninstall the TCP/IP protocol, remove the second WAN Miniport IP device, and then reinstall the TCP/IP protocol. To do so, follow these steps:

1. Uninstall the TCP/IP protocol. To do so:

a. In Control Panel, double-click Network and Dial-up Connections, right-click Local Area Connection, and then click Properties.

b. Under Components checked are used by this connection, click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and then click Uninstall.

c. Follow the on-screen instructions to uninstall TCP/IP.

d. Restart the computer when prompted, but click No if you are prompted to allow Windows to enable a protocol.

2. Right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.

3. Click the Hardware tab, and then click Device Manager.

4. On the View menu, click Show hidden devices.

5. Under Network adapters, there should be no WAN Miniport IP devices. If a WAN Miniport IP device is listed, continue to the following step. If no WAN Miniport IP device is listed, go directly to step 16.

6. Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.


WARNING: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

7. Locate the following registry subkey:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}

8. On the Registry menu, click Export Registry File, type backup-key in the File name box, and then click Save.


Note You can restore the changes that you make to this registry key. To do so, double-click the backup-key.reg file that you saved.

9. Click each of the registry subkeys under this key, and then view the Data column of the DriverDesc value to determine which of the subkeys corresponds to WAN Miniport (IP). For example, the 0005 subkey.

10. Right-click the subkey whose DriverDesc value data is WAN Miniport (IP) (for example, right-click 0005), and then click Delete. Click Yes to confirm that you want to delete the key.

11. Quit Registry Editor.

12. Right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.

13. Click the Hardware tab, and then click Device Manager.

14. On the View menu, click Show hidden devices.

15. Under Network adapters, right-click WAN Miniport (IP) and then click Uninstall. Click OK to confirm that you want to remove this device.

16. Reinstall the TCP/IP protocol. To do so:

a. In Control Panel, double-click Network and Dial-up Connections, right-click Local Area Connection, and then click Properties.

b. Click Install.

c. In the Select Network Component Type dialog box, click Protocol, and then click Add.

d. Under Network Protocol, click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and then click OK.

e. When the protocol is installed, click Close.

17. Reset the modem by turning the power off and then on, or for an internal modem, restart the computer.

18. Test your Internet connectivity.

error code: 0x80070035 network path not found

Turn off any firewalls for debugging. If the firewall is the problem, you’ll have to configure it to allow access to “trusted zone” addresses. Note that some firewalls must be completely uninstalled to stop them from affecting your networking.

PING each computer by IP address, and if successful, PING by name. You can obtain the IP address of a computer by opening a command prompt (DOS window) and typing IPCONFIG. This should work for any Windows version. A failure here needs to be corrected before you go any farther.

Check your Services are Started on all PCs: Workstation, DHCP Client, DNS Client, Server, TCP/IP Netbios helper, Computer Browser.

All computers should be in the same workgroup for computer browsing to function properly. File & Print Sharing has to be enabled on any computer you wish to share files or printers from. You also need to actually share the resource in question from My Computer, right click on the drive/printer/folder, and select sharing.

If you encounter difficulties accessing computers that are visible in Network Neighborhood, make sure the computer being accessed has an account with the same name/password as the system connecting to it uses to login.

While the default NetBIOS setting is correct for normal network configurations, it’s possible for it to be altered, and it costs nothing to make sure it’s correct. NETBIOS over TCP/IP must be enabled for normal network browsing.

Terminal server hack – FOR TESTING ONLY (Activate CAL)

Please note to use these licenses only for educational and testing use.

1. SERVER Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs > Add or Remove Windows Components’. Add “Terminal Server” & Terminal Server Licensing” Default licensing mode is per device as we will need to for actiivation.

2. SERVER Start Terminal Server Licensing (Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services >Terminal Server Licensing) if it is not started

3. SERVER Go to the Terminal Server Licensing, Right-click on Terminal Server > Properties > Installation Method:

Select Installation Method “Web Browser

4. SERVER Go to next tab “Required Information”. Fill all 4 fields with some none important information. Write somewhere TS ID on the bottom of that window

5. SERVER Right-click on Terminal Server and select Activate Server. Terminal Server License Server Activation Wizard will start. Read > press next

6. SERVER Select activation method “Web Browser” press next

7. WEB BROWSER Go to https://activate.microsoft.com/ to get license server ID

8. WEB BROWSER Select “Activate a license server” press next

9. WEB BROWSER Fill out required fields with some information that makes sense. Choose country USA. Use Product ID use from step 6, press next on the bottom

10.WEB BROWSER Press next one more time on the bottom

11.WEB BROWSER If you did every thing right then you gonna get license server ID key (enter this information in your terminal server activation window), but do not close window we will need this for client access licenses (CALs). If everything is OK you will now have Terminal Server License Server Activated.

12.WEB BROWSER Next in the “Do you wish to install license tokens at this time?” select “Yes

13.WEB BROWSER Fill out the required fields on the Microsoft web page . License Server ID get from Terminal Server CAL Installation Wizard. Important is to set License Program to “Other agreement“.

14.WEB BROWSER Choose Product Type Windows 2003 Terminal server Per Device CAL, Fill quantity (I put around 100) and Agreement Number 6565792

15.WEB BROWSER Press next once more on the bottom

16.WEB BROWSER you are gonna get your license key pack ID what you need to insert to Terminal Server CAL Installation Wizard > close window do not press finish, but first write down license key pack ID

17.SERVER Insert license key pack ID into your server and finish wizard


preluat de pe http://www.harmhoekstra.nl/kb/entry/30/ 

cum a fost seara de ieri

Sotiile discuta intre ele in pauza de pranz:

1: Cum a fost seara ta de ieri?

2: Un dezastru total! Sotul a venit acasa, a mancat in 4 minute mancarea pe care o gatisem toata dupa amiaza, am facut dragoste 3 minute si apoi a adormit in doua minute. Tu?

1: Superba! Am ajuns acasa, sotul ma astepta deja, m-a invitat la o cina romantica la restaurant o mancare nemaiintalnita. Dupa cina ne-am plimbat la brat o ora intreaga sub cerul instelat. Acasa, a aprins zeci de lumanari in jurul nostru, preludiul a durat o ora dupa care am facut dragoste infocata o ora intreaga si apoi, am stat amandoi de vorba inca o alta ora. A fost o seara de neuitat!


In acelasi timp, sotii discuta intre ei in pauza de pranz:

1: Cum a fost seara ta de ieri?

2: Geniala: mancarea era gata cand am ajuns acasa, am mancat, am facut dragoste si ne-am culcat. Dar seara ta?

1: A fost un dezastru! Am ajuns acasa devreme ca sa instalez noul dulap. Masina de gaurit a provocat un scurt circuit, nu am reusit sa repun curentul in functiune. Cand a venit ea acasa, ca sa putem manca ceva, a trebuit sa o scot la un restaurant. Mancarea a fost atat de scumpa ca nu mi-au mai ramas bani de taxi ca sa ne intoarcem asa ca ne-am intors pe jos. Acasa a trebuit sa aprind lumanari ca sa putem vedem ceva. Imi venea sa explodez de nervi si draci asa ca mi-a trebuit o ora pana m-am excitat si inca o ora ca sa termin. Pe urma mi-a trebuit inca o ora ca sa adorm pentru ca in tot timpul asta doamnei mele nu i-a tacut gura nici macar o singura secunda!

MySQL INNER JOIN Tutorial: the comma operator

Here you find information about writing inner joins with the comma operator. It’s the most basic way to combine (join) two tables. There is an alternative syntax that can be used, because in MySQL you can write inner joins in two different ways. Another popular way is it to use the INNER JOIN command or synonymous keywords like CROSS JOIN and JOIN. Please make sure to read our dedicated documentation for more information when you understand the comma operator syntax.

The following examples are equivalent to the INNER JOIN examples, to make it easy to compare them. The first example builds the Cartesian product of two tables: Every row in the left table is combined with every row in the right table. In ANSI SQL, this is called a cross join. MySQL however doesn’t distinguish between inner joins and cross joins.

— inner join without a condition: a cross join
FROM <firstTable> a, <anotherTable> b

— inner join with WHERE-clause
FROM <firstTable> a, <anotherTable> b
WHERE a.<columnName> = b.<columnName>

When you write inner joins using the comma operator, there is only one way to specify the join condition: with a WHERE-clause.


An inner join combines all matching rows from two related tables. Two rows match if they are related, for example because they share a common column. When you write an inner join with the comma operator, the join condition which reflects a relationship between tables is added as a WHERE clause. You can use inner joins to SELECT, UPDATE or DELETE data that is stored within MySQL tables. Here are two more examples which are equivalent to the INNER JOIN examples:

FROM tableA a, tableB b
WHERE a.someColumn = b.otherColumn

FROM tableA a, tableB b
WHERE a.columnName = b.columnName

Further information

You have seen how to write inner joins with the comma operator. From our point of view, it’s “OK” to use this feature. However, using the alternative syntax makes it easier to read your joins. It’s considered as a good behavior to write statements where you can directly see if it’s an INNER JOIN or a CROSS JOIN (the Cartesian product of two tables).

canon error e16

error occurs usualy when insert a new cartdrige

the easy solution is to press “stop” more than 5 seconds