Scientists tell us their favourite jokes

Two theoretical physicists are lost at the top of a mountain. Theoretical physicist No 1 pulls out a map and peruses it for a while. Then he turns to theoretical physicist No 2 and says: “Hey, I’ve figured it out. I know where we are.”
“Where are we then?”
“Do you see that mountain over there?”
“Well… THAT’S where we are.”



An electron and a positron go into a bar.
Positron: “You’re round.”
Electron: “Are you sure?”
Positron: “I’m positive.”



A group of wealthy investors wanted to be able to predict the outcome of a horse race. So they hired a group of biologists, a group of statisticians, and a group of physicists. Each group was given a year to research the issue. After one year, the groups all reported to the investors. The biologists said that they could genetically engineer an unbeatable racehorse, but it would take 200 years and $100bn. The statisticians reported next. They said that they could predict the outcome of any race, at a cost of $100m per race, and they would only be right 10% of the time. Finally, the physicists reported that they could also predict the outcome of any race, and that their process was cheap and simple. The investors listened eagerly to this proposal. The head physicist reported, “We have made several simplifying assumptions: first, let each horse be a perfect rolling sphere… ”

This is really the joke form of “all models are wrong, some models are useful” and also sums up the sort of physics confidence that they can solve problems (ie, by making the model solvable).



What is a physicist’s favourite food? Fission chips.



Why did Erwin Schrödinger, Paul Dirac and Wolfgang Pauli work in very small garages? Because they were quantum mechanics.



A friend who’s in liquor production,
Has a still of astounding construction,
The alcohol boils,
Through old magnet coils,
He says that it’s proof by induction.

I knew this limerick when I was at school. I’ve always loved comic poetry and I like the pun in it. And it is pretty geeky …



What does DNA stand for? National Dyslexia Association.



A new monk shows up at a monastery where the monks spend their time making copies of ancient books. The new monk goes to the basement of the monastery saying he wants to make copies of the originals rather than of others’ copies so as to avoid duplicating errors they might have made. Several hours later the monks, wondering where their new friend is, find him crying in the basement. They ask him what is wrong and he says “the word is CELEBRATE, not CELIBATE!”



A blowfly goes into a bar and asks: “Is that stool taken?”



They have just found the gene for shyness. They would have found it earlier, but it was hiding behind two other genes.



What does the ‘B’ in Benoit B Mandelbrot stand for? Benoit B Mandelbrot.



Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip? To get to the other… eh? Hang on…



A statistician is someone who tells you, when you’ve got your head in the fridge and your feet in the oven, that you’re – on average – very comfortable.



At a party for functions, ex is at the bar looking despondent. The barman says: “Why don’t you go and integrate?” To which ex replies: “It would not make any difference.”



There are 10 kinds of people in this world, those who understand binary, and those who don’t.



The floods had subsided, and Noah had safely landed his ark on Mount Sinai. “Go forth and multiply!” he told the animals, and so off they went two by two, and within a few weeks Noah heard the chatter of tiny monkeys, the snarl of tiny tigers and the stomp of baby elephants. Then he heard something he didn’t recognise… a loud, revving buzz coming from the woods. He went in to find out what strange animal’s offspring was making this noise, and discovered a pair of snakes wielding a chainsaw. “What on earth are you doing?” he cried. “You’re destroying the trees!” “Well Noah,” the snakes replied, “we tried to multiply as you bade us, but we’re adders… so we have to use logs.”



A statistician gave birth to twins, but only had one of them baptised. She kept the other as a control.



A chemistry teacher is recruited as a radio operator in the first world war. He soon becomes familiar with the military habit of abbreviating everything. As his unit comes under sustained attack, he is asked to urgently inform his HQ. “NaCl over NaOH! NaCl over NaOH!” he says. “NaCl over NaOH?” shouts his officer. “What do you mean?” “The base is under a salt!” came the reply.



Sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium Batman!



A weed scientist goes into a shop. He asks: “Hey, you got any of that inhibitor of 3-phosphoshikimate-carboxyvinyl transferase? Shopkeeper: “You mean Roundup?” Scientist: “Yeah, that’s it. I can never remember that dang name.”



A mosquito was heard to complain
That chemists had poisoned her brain.
The cause of her sorrow
Was para-dichloro-



A psychoanalyst shows a patient an inkblot, and asks him what he sees. The patient says: “A man and woman making love.” The psychoanalyst shows him a second inkblot, and the patient says: “That’s also a man and woman making love.” The psychoanalyst says: “You are obsessed with sex.” The patient says: “What do you mean I am obsessed? You are the one with all the dirty pictures.”



Psychiatrist to patient: “Don’t worry. You’re not deluded. You only think you are.”



After sex, one behaviourist turned to another behaviourist and said, “That was great for you, but how was it for me?”



An interviewer approaches a variety of scientists, and asks them: “Is it true that all odd numbers are prime?” The mathematician rejects the conjecture. “One is prime, three is prime, five is prime, seven is prime, but nine is not. The conjecture is false.” The physicist is less certain. “One is prime, three is prime, five is prime, seven is prime, but nine is not. Then again 11 is and so is 13. Up to the limits of measurement error, the conjecture appears to be true.” The psychologist says: “One is prime, three is prime, five is prime, seven is prime, nine is not. Eleven is and so is 13. The result is statistically significant.” The artist says: “One is prime, three is prime, five is prime, seven is prime, nine is prime. It’s true, all odd numbers are prime!”



What do scientists say when they go to the bar? Climate change scientists say: “Where’s the ice?” Seismologists might ask for their drinks to be “shaken and not stirred”. Microbiologists request just a small one. Neuroscientists ask for their drinks “to be spiked”. Scientists studying the defective gubernaculum say: “Put mine in a highball”, and finally, social scientists say: “I’d like something soft.” When paying at the bar, geneticists say: “I think I have some change in my jeans.” And at the end of the evening a shy benzene biochemist might say to his companion: “Please give me a ring.”


preluat de pe



“debug” way to disable passwords in novell netware

You must be at the console to do this:

<left-shift><right-shift><alt><esc> (Enters debugger)

type c VerifyPassword=B8 0 0 0 0 C3

type g

This disables the password checking. Now Supe won’t ask for a password. To restore password checking from debugger, do this:

first type d VerifyPassword 5 and write down the 5 byte response,

then type c VerifyPassword=xx xx xx xx xx

then type g

preluat de pe

can not set any printer as default printer error 0x00000709

Be very careful when working directly with the registry. I do not take responsibility for any consequences. (end of disclaimer)

The fix, which worked for me yesterday, is simple:
Go to HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\ -If the Windows key doesn’t exist, create a new key;
Then check for the following entry (or create it if it is not there)
Name: Device
Type: Reg_SZ (String Value)
Value: winspool,Ne00 <– if there is anything else there, change it to this value.
Should you be unable to save it, just make sure the user has Full (or special) access to the Windows key (by right-clicking on the key).

Curs special pentru femei

Curs special pentru femei organizat de
Ministerul Sanatatii in colaborare cu
Ministerul Educatiei si Invatamantului

Tema:           Dezvoltarea functiunilor creierului la femeia moderna.

Scop:           Participantele vor fi confruntate cu o experienta fascinanta (folosirea creierului).

Conditii:       Vointa de a invata ceva nou (chiar daca se va dovedi a fi ceva greu)

Durata:         Brunete 1,5 luni fiecare modul
Roscate 3 luni fiecare modul
Blonde 6 luni fiecare modul

Cursul contine 4 module

Modulul I

1)      Acceptarea soartei: m-am nascut femeie
2)      Cunoasterea locului de desfasurare a vietii: bucataria
3)      Cum pastrez ordinea in poseta? (sub control strict)
4)      Cum fac cumparaturi in mai putin de 4 ore: notiuni elementare
5)      Pastrarea limitelor: Cum ma machiez corect
6)      Curs de programare I (toate categoriile): folosirea cuptorului cu microunde
7)      Curs de programare II (numai brunetele si roscatele): Videorecorderul

Modulul II

1)      Ecuatia cu o necunoscuta: Automobilul
2)      Exercitii de dinamica grupului: Ce trebuie sa fac cand stam in masina
3)      Parcarea, ParteaI: Notiuni elementare
4)      Parcarea, Partea II: Manevre
5)      O adevarata provocare: Frana si acceleratia.
6)      Cutia de viteze. Descriere completa (pentru blonde numai cutia automata)
7)      Folosirea corecta a semnalizatorului.
8)      Notiuni elementare de fizica: Corpuri in miscare
9)      Adevaruri optice: Luminile rosie, galbena si verde ale semaforului.
10)     Curs special: Parcarea in garaj.
11)     Ecuatia cu mai multe necunoscute: Cutia de scule
12)     Curs de supravietuire I: Unde se afla lumina de avarie
13)     Curs de supravietuire II: Schimbarea unui cauciuc
14)     Curs de supravietuire III: Schimbarea mai multor cauciucuri (Da, este posibil!!)
15)     Curs de supravietuire IV: Verificarea cu succes a nivelului uleiului si a apei.

Modulul III

1)      Notiuni elementare: Nici o cucerire a tehnicii moderne nu ma va putea ridica la nivelul barbatului
2)      Vocabular I: Definitia cuvantului “DA”. Corectarea exercitiului “Esti gata?”
3)      Vocabular II: Definitia notiunii “5 Minute”
4)      Sociologie: Fotbalul nu este un sport ci o religie.
5)      Drept cetatenesc si morala I: Discutii barbatilor despre tema fotbal
6)      Drept cetatenesc si morala II: A nu te amesteca nicicodata in aceste discutii
7)      Cum evit intrebarile inutile (de ex. “Ma iubesti?”, “Sant frumoasa?”, “Am ceva special?”)
8)      Adevaruri zilnice: Si femeile ragaie, exercitii  in grup.
9)      Adevaruri zilnice: Barbieritul (curs intensiv pentru brunete): Partea barbateasca a femeii
10)     Comportamentul la cumparaturi: Cardul Visa, Definirea notiunii de limita de suma
11)     Comportamentul la cumparaturi: Si eu pot cara naveta de bere
12)     De ce mama nu e binevenita la noi? (1000 de studii de caz)

Modulul IV

1)      Telefonul: Cand trebuie sa inchid? Exercitii de grup: 4 femei/telefon (nu uitati sacul de dormit)
2)      Machiajul: Metamorfoza femeii
3)      Terapie TV I: Si fara telenovele se poate trai!
4)      Terapie TV II: Filmele de dragoste sant pura fictiune si nu realitate
5)      Eu si corpul meu: Legea gravitatiei
6)      Oglinzile nu mint: Ma accept asa cum sant.

Poezie cu modemu

Într-o zi, nu ştiu de ce,

Modemul meu tip UMC,

Nu a vrut să-mi mai vorbească

Nici comenzi să mai primească.


N-am vrut să mă enervez,

M-am pus să-l reinstalez,

Însă treaba nu-i prea „EASY”

Căci al meu „COM PORT” e „BUSY”.


Cu ce-o fi oare ocupat,

Până azi nu am aflat,

Însă atunci când sunt sub DOS

Totu-i clar, ba chiar frumos.