Lectia de Limba Franceza

O profesoara de franceza explica elevilor sai ca, in limba franceza,

spre deosebire de cea engleza, substantivele sunt clasificate fie ca

substantive masculine fie ca substantive feminine.

Casa este feminin – “la maison”.

Creion este masculin – “le crayon”.


Povestirea noastra incepe in momentul in care un student a intrebat:

Ce gen este “calculator” ?


In loc sa le dea un raspuns, profesoara a impartit clasa in doua grupe

– barbati si femei – si le-a cerut sa decida singuri daca “calculator”

ar trebui sa fie un substantiv masculin sau feminin. Fiecarui grup i

s-a cerut sa dea patru motive pentru a sustine alegerea lor.

Grupul barbatilor a hotarat ca “calculator” sigur ar trebui sa fie de

gen feminin (la computer) deoarece:

1.nimeni altcineva in afara creatorului lor nu le intelege logica

2.limbajul comun pe care-l folosesc sa comunice cu alte calculatoare

este de neinteles de catre oricine altcineva

3.chiar si cele mai mici greseli sunt pastrate in memorie pe termen

lung pentru posibile aduceri aminte

4.cum iti iei unul, te trezesti cheltuind jumatate din salariu pentru accesorii



Grupul femeilor, totusi, au ajuns la concluzia ca substantivul

“calculator” ar trebui sa fie masculin (le computer) deoarece:

1.ca sa poti face ceva cu el trebuie sa-l “pornesti”

2.au o multime de informatii dar nu pot gandi singuri

3.presupunem ca el ar trebui sa te ajute sa rezolvi probleme dar, in

marea majoritate a cazurilor, el este problema

4.cum iti iei unul, realizezi ca daca ai mai fi asteptat putin, ai fi

putut lua unul mai bun.


How to disable Windows Store on Windows 8

To disable or turn off Windows Store in Windows 8, do the following:

Step 1 : Press Windows logo + R to open the Run dialog box

Step 2 : Type gpedit.msc and press Ok

Step 3: A new window name ‘Local Group Policy Editor‘ pops up . Now you will need to go to the following directory :

User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Store

On the left hand panel , expand Administrative Templates , Windows Componets and then click on Store .

Step 4 : Once done , on the right hand side you’ll see “Turn off the Store application” . Double click it .

Step 5 : Once open , select ‘Enabled‘ and click Apply . Note : If you want to enable Windows Store , select ‘Disabled’ instead of ‘Enabled’.

Step 6 : Open the ‘Run’ dialog box again by pressing Windows Logo + R , type gpupdate /force and click Ok. This allows the updated policy to take effect .

Read more at http://dottech.org/135196/how-to-disable-turn-off-windows-store-windows-8/#FVM82rfLjWg3X3d8.99


To remove or block ads from uTorrent 3.3 and higher on Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8, do the following:

  1. This little trick is actually done right inside uTorrent itself, so the first step is to open up the program.
  2. Once the program is running, you must click on the Options menu, then choose Preferences, and then select Advanced.
  3. After that, you will see a filter box where you must type “offers” (without the quotes).
  4. After that, you will see two items titles: “offers.left_rail_offer_enabled” and “offers.sponsored_torrent_offer_enabled”. Set both of these to False by clicking on each one and then selecting the false radio button
  5. In order for these changes to actually take effect, though, you will need to restart the program by selecting the Exit option from the 1 menu and then opening the program again. Take note to close the program clicking the red X in the upper right hand corner will not usually work in most cases, as it only minimizes the program to the taskbar, so going the File menu route is usually your best option.


Disable Windows Update Device Driver Search Prompt

To disable it go to Start and type gpedit.msc in the Start Search and press Enter. Once Local Group Policy Editor is open navigate to,

Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Driver Installation

Now from the right sidebar open the key named “Turn Off Windows Update Device Driver Search Prompt” and select Enabled and click OK.

Now Restart your computer or Log Off and then sign back in. That’s it. Now Windows bother you any more. Enjoy!

Note: This will not disable the Windows Update, it will only stop prompting you to update the device driver using Windows Update. You will still be able to update the driver by manually going to Windows Update.


How to reset a Cisco ATA186 to factory defaults

The following procedure will reset the ATA to its default config:
a) Take the phone off hook.
b) The red button on the top of the ATA-186 will illuminate.
c) Press the illuminating red button on the ATA and dial 322873738#. (The numbers spell FACTRESET# on the telephone)
d) Voice prompt will ask you to dial * to save changes you have just made.
e) Press * on your phone’s keypad.
f) Hang up the phone.


To get to the ATA186 web configuration page, go to »ipaddress/dev — So if your router assigned your ATA186 an IP address of, you would go to »

Error code 0x800703e7

This specific error occurs when there is a problem performing an inpage operation. This error typically occurs because of corruption of the disk.


To work around this problem, run the chkdsk command.

For more information about the chkdsk command , visit the following Microsoft Web site:

Error code 0x800705aa, error code 0x80070002, error code 0x80004005, error code 0x800405aa, and error code 0x80090019

This problem occurs because there are some error codes in a third-party program.


Note In most scenarios, the WinTools third-party software causes this problem.

To work around this problem, follow these steps:
Disconnect the network cable from the computer.
Restart your computer, and then press F8 during the initial startup to start your computer in safe mode with a command prompt.
Remove the WinTools third-party software from Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel.
Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and the click OK.
Delete the registry key that has a WinTools value. This key is located in the following registry subkey:
Delete the following registry subkeys if they exist:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\BrowserHelperObjects\ {87766247-311C-43B4-8499-3D5FEC94A183}
Exit Registry Editor.
Restart your computer.
Delete the following files from the ProgramsDir\Common files\WinTools path: :
ProgramsDir\Common files\WinTools\WToolsA.exe
ProgramsDir\Common files\WinTools\WSup.exe
ProgramsDir\Common files\WinTools\WToolsS.exe
ProgramsDir\Common files\WinTools\WToolsB.dll
NoteProgramsDir represents the Program Files folder where WinTools is installed. By default, this is C:\Program Files.
Clean up the hosts file that is located in the %Windir%\System32\Drivers\Etc\Hosts path.

Note%Windir% represents the Windows folder on a Windows XP-based computer. By default, this is C:\Windows.
Delete the all the files that have Wtools or Wsup in the name. For example, the %Windir%\prefetch folder may contain some files that have Wtools or Wsup in the name.

Note The %Windir%\prefetch folder is a hidden folder. To access the folder, type %Windir%\prefetch in the Address box, and then press ENTER.
Restart the computer in normal mode.

Error code 0x800705aa, error code 0x8007007e

This error code occurs when the Dpcdll.dll file is missing or corrupted.


To work around this problem, replace the Dpcdll.dll file by using a clean Dpcdll.dll file that has the correct version.

Note To obtain the clean Dpcdll.dll file, copy the Dpcdll.dll file from a new installed computer.


Error code 0x8007007f or error code 0x8007007e

This problem frequently occurs after you upgrade a service pack. After you upgrade, there appears to be a corrupted file, a missing file, or a file mismatch.


To work around this problem, uninstall the service pack that you installed. Then, reinstall the service pack.

Error code 0x80070002

This problem can occur if one of the following conditions is true:
The default security provider in Windows XP has changed.
The system drive letter has changed.


To work around this problem, use the appropriate method.
Reset the default security provider in Windows XP
To reset the default security provider in Windows XP, delete the relevant registry keys from the registry. To do this, follow these steps:
Start the computer. Press the F8 key during startup to start the computer in safe mode.
Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
Delete the following registry subkeys from the registry:


Exit Registry Editor.
Restart the computer.

Reset the drive letter of the system drive
Use Registry Editor to change the drive letter of the system drive back to its original value. Edit the following registry key to change the value of the system drive:
For more information about how to restore the system drive letter, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
223188 How to restore the system/boot drive letter in Windows