Error code 0x800703e7

This specific error occurs when there is a problem performing an inpage operation. This error typically occurs because of corruption of the disk.


To work around this problem, run the chkdsk command.

For more information about the chkdsk command , visit the following Microsoft Web site:

Error code 0x800705aa, error code 0x80070002, error code 0x80004005, error code 0x800405aa, and error code 0x80090019

This problem occurs because there are some error codes in a third-party program.


Note In most scenarios, the WinTools third-party software causes this problem.

To work around this problem, follow these steps:
Disconnect the network cable from the computer.
Restart your computer, and then press F8 during the initial startup to start your computer in safe mode with a command prompt.
Remove the WinTools third-party software from Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel.
Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and the click OK.
Delete the registry key that has a WinTools value. This key is located in the following registry subkey:
Delete the following registry subkeys if they exist:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\BrowserHelperObjects\ {87766247-311C-43B4-8499-3D5FEC94A183}
Exit Registry Editor.
Restart your computer.
Delete the following files from the ProgramsDir\Common files\WinTools path: :
ProgramsDir\Common files\WinTools\WToolsA.exe
ProgramsDir\Common files\WinTools\WSup.exe
ProgramsDir\Common files\WinTools\WToolsS.exe
ProgramsDir\Common files\WinTools\WToolsB.dll
NoteProgramsDir represents the Program Files folder where WinTools is installed. By default, this is C:\Program Files.
Clean up the hosts file that is located in the %Windir%\System32\Drivers\Etc\Hosts path.

Note%Windir% represents the Windows folder on a Windows XP-based computer. By default, this is C:\Windows.
Delete the all the files that have Wtools or Wsup in the name. For example, the %Windir%\prefetch folder may contain some files that have Wtools or Wsup in the name.

Note The %Windir%\prefetch folder is a hidden folder. To access the folder, type %Windir%\prefetch in the Address box, and then press ENTER.
Restart the computer in normal mode.

Error code 0x800705aa, error code 0x8007007e

This error code occurs when the Dpcdll.dll file is missing or corrupted.


To work around this problem, replace the Dpcdll.dll file by using a clean Dpcdll.dll file that has the correct version.

Note To obtain the clean Dpcdll.dll file, copy the Dpcdll.dll file from a new installed computer.


Error code 0x8007007f or error code 0x8007007e

This problem frequently occurs after you upgrade a service pack. After you upgrade, there appears to be a corrupted file, a missing file, or a file mismatch.


To work around this problem, uninstall the service pack that you installed. Then, reinstall the service pack.

Error code 0x80070002

This problem can occur if one of the following conditions is true:
The default security provider in Windows XP has changed.
The system drive letter has changed.


To work around this problem, use the appropriate method.
Reset the default security provider in Windows XP
To reset the default security provider in Windows XP, delete the relevant registry keys from the registry. To do this, follow these steps:
Start the computer. Press the F8 key during startup to start the computer in safe mode.
Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
Delete the following registry subkeys from the registry:


Exit Registry Editor.
Restart the computer.

Reset the drive letter of the system drive
Use Registry Editor to change the drive letter of the system drive back to its original value. Edit the following registry key to change the value of the system drive:
For more information about how to restore the system drive letter, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
223188 How to restore the system/boot drive letter in Windows


Error code 0x8009001d

This problem occurs if you modified the
registry value to change the boot drive letter assignment or the system drive letter assignment.


To resolve this problem, you must remove the whole contents of the
registry key. This key is located in the following registry subkey:
For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
223188 How to change the system/boot drive letter in Windows 2000
You cannot modify the
registry key in Windows XP because there are many hard-coded paths to the C:\Windows drive. These hard-coded paths may not load. Then, that behavior provokes the WPA-related error code.

Error code 0x80090006

This problem occurs because the drive letter has changed or because certain files cannot be found at default locations.


To work around this problem, use one of the following methods.

Note If the methods in this section are unsuitable for your situation, then use the methods in the “Workaround for an error code that is not in this list” section, and begin with Method 1.
Use Ghost
If you deploy a Windows XP-based computer by using Ghost from Symantec, rebuild the Ghost image by specifying the –FDSZ switch during the rebuild process.
Use Drive Image Pro
If you deploy the Windows XP-based computer by using Drive Image Pro, upgrade the Drive Image Pro to Deploy Center version 5.0 from Power Quest.


Error code 0x80004005

This problem may occur if a file that the Windows Product Activation (WPA) requires is damaged or missing. This behavior occurs if one or both of the following conditions are true:
A third-party backup utility or an antivirus program interferes with the installation of Windows XP.
A file that WPA requires is manually modified.


Method 1
Note You should follow this method if this error code occurs after you upgrade from Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition.

Start from the Windows XP CD-ROM, and then perform an in-place upgrade repair. Make sure that you use a valid product key. For more information about performing an in-place upgrade, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
315341 How to perform an in-place upgrade (reinstallation) of Windows XP
You can also resolve this problem by uninstalling Windows XP. Then, reinstall the operating system that you were running before you upgraded to Windows XP. For more information about how to uninstall Windows XP, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
312569 How to manually start the uninstall process to remove Windows XP
Method 2
To resolve the problem, repair the installation of Windows XP by using the Windows XP CD, and then replace the files. To do this, follow these steps:
Insert the Windows XP CD in the CD drive or in the DVD drive.
Restart your computer.
When you receive the following message, press a key to start your computer from the Windows XP CD:
Press any key to start from CD
Note Your computer must be configured to start from the CD drive or from the DVD drive. For more information about how to configure your computer to start from the CD drive or from the DVD drive, see the documentation that came with your personal computer. Alternatively, contact the manufacturer.
When you receive the following message, press R to start the Recovery Console. This part of the Setup program prepares Windows XP to run on your computer.
To set up Windows XP now, press ENTER.

To repair a Windows XP installation by using Recovery Console, press R.

To exit Setup without installing Windows XP, press F3.
You see a numbered option, such as the following:
Note this path to Windows (In this example, the path is C:\WINDOWS) for later user in step 7 and step 11. Then, press 1 to access your primary drive installation by using the Recovery Console.
When you are prompted, type the administrator password. If you do not have an administrator password, press ENTER.
Type cd C:\WINDOWS\System32, and then press ENTER.
Note In this command, use the path that you noted in step 5 if it differs from C:\WINDOWS.
Rename the following files by using the REN command. To do this, type REN File_Name.extensionFile_Name.old at the command prompt.


Dpcdll.dll  (this one is founded by me)

oobe\Actshell.htm (Note This file is located in the oobe subfolder)
Note In the previous command, you must replace File_Name.extension with the file name from the list of files in this step. Additionally, File_Name.old represents the new name for the file name. For example, use the following command for the Wpa.dbl file:
REN Wpa.dbl Wpa.OLD
Type the drive letter of the CD drive together with a colon, and then press ENTER. For example, you type D:, and then press ENTER.
Type cd i386, and then press ENTER.
Type the following commands individually. Press ENTER after each command:
Expand licwmi.dl_ C:\WINDOWS\System32
Expand regwizc.dl_ C:\WINDOWS\System32
Expand licdll.dl_ C:\WINDOWS\System32
Expand wpabaln.ex_ C:\WINDOWS\System32
Expand wpa.db_ C:\WINDOWS\System32
Expand actshell.ht_ C:\WINDOWS\System32\oobe
Copy pidgen.dll C:\WINDOWS\System32

Expand dpcdll.dl_ C:\WINDOWS\System32
Note In these commands, use the path that you noted in step 5 if it differs from C:\WINDOWS.
Type Exit, and then press ENTER to restart the computer.

Top 20 nume de penis în România. Ce spune despre tine numele pe care îl dai penisului

Contrar opiniilor oamenilor de ştiinţă maghiari, bărbaţii români au penis, iar mulţi dintre ei îi dau şi un nume. Mai jos am identificat cele mai populare nume de penisuri din ţara noastră, precum şi semnificaţia acestora.

1. Bendeac: Eşti un glumeţ, dar nu e un nume ales rău. În plus, prietena ta va pricepe mai rapid că vrei şi sex anal.

2. Lazăr: Un nume bun, care transmite: “Ok, mai moare, dar şi când învie…”

3. Vlad Ţepeş: Nume ales în general de bărbaţii care nu au imaginaţie. Partea nasoală e că multe femei cred că îţi place şi sângele.

4. Mircea Badea: Nume potrivit pentru penisuri la care te uiţi noaptea şi râzi.

5. Pamflet: Ca să poţi face gluma cu “Acest penis e un pamflet”.

6. Năstase: Când vrei să-l bagi în chiloţi se împuşcă în gât.

7. Iliescu: Nu moare niciodată şi nimănui nu i se pare dubios.

8. Pavarotti: Nume ideal pentru penisuri la care femeile deschid gura şi încep să urle necontrolat.

9. Măruţă: Pentru bărbaţii care la rubrica Sex trec “nu ştiu/nu răspund”.

10. Cotabiţă: Pentru penisuri la care femeile se uită şi încep să transpire.

11. Crin: Pentru penisuri care se scoală foarte târziu, dacă se mai scoală.

12. Dorinel Munteanu: Pentru penisul care scuipă încontinuu.

13. Marcel Prodan: Pentru penisul care te lasă umflată şi vânătă.

14. Tatoiu: Pentru penisul care se bagă peste tot.

15. Turcescu: Pentru penisul care te pupă în cur.

16. Miracle Blade: Pentru penisuri cu care poţi să tai şi ananas din zbor.

17. Cola: Nume excelent pentru penisul pe care vrei să-l împarţi cu prietenii.

18. Botezatu: Pentru penisul care alunecă mereu în cur.

19. Bianca Drăguşanu: Pentru penisuri de plastic.

20. Verestoy: Pentru penisul care te defrişează mai bine decât ceara.

21. (Penis Bonus) Remus Cernea: Pentru penisuri atât de păroase că provoacă scandaluri publice.


preluat de pe

error delete file “Cannot read from the source file or disk”

Attempting to delete them results in “Error Deleting File or Folder – Cannot delete file: Cannot read from the source file or disk“.

Note: Windows 7′s version of this message is something like:

Could not find this item: This is no longer located in C:\Blah. Verify the item’s location and try again.

Even going to the file’s properties to check permissions presented a very blank properties dialog. And a CHKDSK didn’t sort thing out either.

It turns out the problem was: the filename ended with a dot, e.g. it was something like “C:\Temp\Stuff\Sales Agreement.“. As far as Windows is concerned this is an invalid file name: so although it gets reported in a directory listing, the standard Windows APIs for manipulating files subsequently deny its existence.

So how did this file get created in the first place? The answer: a Mac. The file was on a file share which had been accessed by a Mac user. Macs tend to write all sorts of metadata to extra “._DSStore” files and suchlike and had left this file behind.

So if Windows doesn’t appear to allow these file names, how did they get to be created? Well, it turns out that NTFS allows all sort of file name/path weirdness that Windows, or specifically the Win32 API, doesn’t allow. For example, NTFS actually allows file paths up to 32K but Windows restricts file paths to no more than 260 characters (MAX_PATH). I suppose this is all for DOS/Windows 9x backwards compatibility. As these files were being accessed over a file share I guess the usual Win32 checks are bypassed.

But thankfully you can get Win32 to ignore these checks by prefixing your file paths with \\?\, (ie. C:\Temp\SomeFile.txt becomes \\?\C:\Temp\SomeFile.txt) which I discovered after reading this blog post about long paths in .NET.

So at a command prompt (Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt) I was able to delete the file using:
del “\\?\C:\Temp\Stuff\Sales Agreement.”

Note: On Windows 7 it seems you can just use wildcards without the \\?\ trick to delete the offending files: e.g.
del c:\temp\somefil*

If it’s a folder/directory you’re trying to delete use the rd or rmdir command, e.g.:
rd /s “\\?\C:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop\Annoying Folder.”

Tip: as you’re typing the file/directory name use the TAB key to auto-complete the name (press TAB repeatedly to cycle through possible names).


see also