downgrade windows 7

Choose Run and write regedit.

Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

Change the keys EditionID and ProductName.

EditionID can be found in your Windows 7 installation CD under sources\ei.cfg.

ProductName will be shown when you try to install and are denied:

Windows 7 Ultimate cannot be upgraded to Windows 7 Home Premium

Here the Windows 7 Home Premium is the ProductName.

Make sure that it matches exactly.

This procedure worked like a charm for me!

make windows bootable after motherboard swap

In the BIOS, i went change the SATA to IDE mode (NOT RAID, NOT AHCI)

1.Boot Win7 DVD

2.Choose the Language Selection.

3.Choose Repair.

4.On the recovery tools choose the Command Line Console

5.Type:regedit <ENTER>


8.File > Load Hive

9.Select < windows partition with problem > \Windows\System32\config\system (Backup this first, it’s advised)

10.Regedit will ask for a Key name: Name it something like „temp”

11.Located HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/temp/Select/Current

12.Searched for every key containing the value “SCSI Miniport” where the „Start” value was a „3” and changed the „Start” value to a „0”. (F3 to search next result).

13.Highlight „temp”

14.File > Unload Hive


16.Enter in Win7 🙂

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install nxfilter on osmc

sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-jdk


sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre-headless


sudo dpkg -i nxfilter-

sudo systemctl enable nxfilter.service

sudo systemctl start nxfilter.service

Enable IP authentification. The clients will be authenticated by NxFilter using the IP address. For that configure your network to assign a static IP for each client.

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Parental control with DNS filtering on Raspberry Pi

sudo nano /nxfilter/bin/