Un ofiter greţos de la brigada antidrog

Un ofiter greţos de la brigada antidrog a trecut ieri pe la ferma noastra :
       “Imi pare rau dar trebuie sa inspectez ferma, sa vad daca nu cumva cultivati plante ilegale”
“Nici o problema”, i-am zis, “poti sa cauti unde vrei in afara de campul ala din dreapta” Atunci a scos arogant legitimaţia si mi-a lipit-o de faţa:
“Vezi asta? Eu am autoritatea sa caut unde vreau, nu poti sa-mi spui tu unde sa caut si unde nu!!! Am incheiat discuţia, ai inţeles?!?”
“Bine, ma scuzati” i-am raspuns politicos si mi-am vazut de-ale mele. Nu trec 10 minute si-l vad alergand de mama focului pe campul din dreapta urmarit de un mare taur cu spume la gura. Avea ochii iesiti din orbite de panica si urla cat il tinea gura “Ajutoooor, ajutoooor!!”
Atunci am aruncat sculele din mana, am fugit langa gard si am urlat la el:
-“Legitimaţia, arata-i legitimaţia futu-ţi morţii ma-tii!!!”

Outlook: This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect

When clicking on a hyperlink in an e-mail, I get this Message : „This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator.” I get this message every time that I attempt to use the hyperlink. I am the administrator on this stand alone computer. How do I deactivate this feature so that I activate hyperlinks ?

Good answer:


If you received this error after uninstalling any application that takes over the HTML open command (including, but not limited to, Chrome & Firefox browsers) you may also need to change the HTM/HTML association in the registry.
Start, click Run, type Regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.
Browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\.html
Right click the value for the .html key and select Modify…
Change the value from „ChromeHTML” to „htmlfile” (or from FireFoxHTML to htmlfile)

Repeat these steps for htm and .shtml keys if they exist. You may also want to check the xhtml and xhtm keys.